Free Download Kuis Seberapa Greget Lo 2.1 APK
Game ini merupakan kuis yang berisi seorang yang bertanya kepada orang lain seberapa gregetnya dia, selanjutnya akan disediakan berbagai tanggapan yang masing-masing mempunyai nilai berbeda, kamu diberi batas waktu tertentu untuk memilihnya, setiap level mungkin berbeda jumlah waktu hitung mundur yang disediakan. Pakailah headset atau headphone atau minimal aktifkan suara pada handphone agar game ini lebih seru untuk dimainkan. Selamat mencoba.
This game is a quiz that contains someone who asks others how greget he is, then there will be a variety of responses, each of which has a different value, you are given a certain time limit to choose it, each level may differ in the amount of countdown time provided. Use a headset or headphones or at least activate the sound on the mobile so that this game is more fun to play. Good luck.
- 2 level baru
- Fitur share hasil kriteria pengguna ketika selesai menyelesaikan sebuah level
This game is a quiz that contains someone who asks others how greget he is, then there will be a variety of responses, each of which has a different value, you are given a certain time limit to choose it, each level may differ in the amount of countdown time provided. Use a headset or headphones or at least activate the sound on the mobile so that this game is more fun to play. Good luck.
- 2 level baru
- Fitur share hasil kriteria pengguna ketika selesai menyelesaikan sebuah level
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